Positive Feedback from Our Authors The reviewing process was incredibly supportive. 100% recommend publishing here! The whole experience of publishing with IJDSJ has been amazing. The ambition to do things differently at IJDSJ shines through the review comments and your correspondence. I think that is admirable and should stand as an example for other academic journals. So much of the publishing process, and indeed the way our work as academics is evaluated and reviewed, is discouraging and negative. Having a journal operating by other standards and a different ethos is bound to have a positive impact on disability studies more generally!
This is the website for the International Journal of Disability and Social Justice (IJDSJ). We are a double-anonymous Peer-Review, Diamond Open Access journal, free to read online and with no article processing charges for authors.
Disabled people make up roughly a fifth of the world’s population. As people with different forms of ascribed impairment or functional limitation, they continue to experience exclusion and disadvantage in all parts of the world because of ableism and an array of disabling attitudes, systems, structures and practices. Read the research published in the Journal to find out about these processes of disablement. The Journal always aims to critique, re-imagine and develop new approaches to social justice for disabled people. We are concerned with critiquing injustice and finding ways to build inclusive environments, technologies and societies.

Our publisher is Pluto Journals, London. Pluto Journals launched in 2009 as an independent and international journal publisher in the social sciences. They pride themselves on producing world-class journals, at the cutting-edge of social science research today. They are part of Pluto Educational Trust (registered charity in the UK). This Trust is a collaborative association of people and organisations who aim to create a more just, more sustainable world through the power of ideas.
ISSN 2732-4036 (Print) ISSN 2732-4044 (Online)
Accessibility: We strive to ensure that our website and content meet web accessibility standards. We use a wordpress template. Our funding does not stretch to hiring a website designer and so this website has been built and is maintained by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and certain members of the Editorial Executive. We do this work in a voluntary capacity and make no claim to expertise in web technology or web development! When we launched this journal, incredibly kind members of the disability community – people who are experts in web accessibility – volunteered to review our website and content for conformity to relevant guidelines. Their support meant much to us. We know, however, that despite our very best efforts we may still overlook an issue, or accidentally introduce an error or problem. When that happens, it’s on us. If you spot any errors or believe there is room for improvement or adjustment, we would be most grateful if you would let us know please. We will address any issues promptly and learn from it. Thank you for your consideration. We can be contacted at: @ijdsjcontact@gmail.com
Note on language: the language of disability varies internationally. This community will respect people's preferences for social model ('disabled people', 'disabled children') or person first ('people with disabilities', 'children with disabilities') terms. We use social model language within this website because the current website managers are based in the UK where this is the term preferred by many members of the disability movement.
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