Update 30 July 2024: Due to an increase in article demand, IJDSJ has moved to an online submission system through Science Open. Please be patient with us in this transition onto this new system. If you run into any issues please contact: IJDSJcontact@gmail.com. To find out more about this transition please visit: Exciting Update: Introducing our new online submission system!
Submitting to the IJDSJ
On this page you will find instructions for authors wishing to submit to this Journal. We publish Journal Articles (7-10,000 words), Human Rights Bulletins (2-3,000 words), Current Issues Bulletins (1-2,000 words) and Book Reviews (500-1,000 words). We strive to make decisions on submissions within 6 months (often less).
We ask authors to please read our Journal Ethics Statement and Guidance for Authors documents (under DOWNLOADS below) when preparing their manuscripts and before submitting to the journal. The Guidance for Authors also includes information on journal style. Both documents have been written by the Journal’s Executive Committee, assisted by and in consultation with the Journal’s Editorial Board.
How to submit
Please submit your manuscript via our Science Open submission system. Here are the instructions:
- Corresponding author (submitting) needs to register for ORCID here: https://orcid.org/register
- Corresponding author (submitting) needs to register for Science Open here: https://www.scienceopen.com/register
- Go IJDSJ Science Open page here: https://shorturl.at/QXmo5
- On the main banner, click the ‘Submit a Manuscript’ button (image below)
- Follow instructions within the System.
- Ensure you include all the authors of the article.
- Ensure the file you submit is fully anonymised.
- You will need to submit a word version and a pdf/a.
- All images/tables/figures should be included in the main document where you would ideally like them to appear in the flow of the text. You cannot submit these as separate attachments. Adding alt-text is mandatory. [Guidance on alt-text here: https://shorturl.at/tiAM8)
- Reasonable adjustments: should you find the Science Open submission system difficult to navigate using a screen-reader, please email your submission directly to the IJDSJ Executive Editors at: IJDSJContact@gmail.com
Please note: we operate a doubly-anonymous (aka ‘double-blind’) review process. Reviewers do not know the name of the authors of an article; and authors will not learn the name of the reviewers of their articles. Reviews are overseen by members of the Editorial Executive to ensure good practice (that constructive feedback is always provided to authors). Whilst the review process for this journal is robust and we strive to ensure that this journal publishes high-quality work, our mission or motto is ‘to lift each other up’ as part of the review process and not to be destructive. This is the character of the IJDSJ community.
Authors may also wish to read the template Permissions Form, supplied by Pluto Journals (under DOWNLOADS below). When an article is accepted for IJDSJ, authors will be required to sign this form prior to publication. It explains their rights.
Would you like some initial feedback on your ideas for an article?
Before or as part of the process of writing their articles, authors are welcome to submit extended abstracts of 500 words maximum to the IJDSJ Editorial Executive for their feedback. These abstracts should be sent to: IJDSJContact@gmail.com
Format of abstracts
Authors are asked to ensure that the abstract summarises the content and central argument of the proposed article. The IJDSJ Editorial Executive will provide feedback on the likely suitability (‘fit’) of the topic to the journal and offer constructive and collegiate suggestions for the article’s development.
Gentle reminder
The IJDSJ cannot promise to publish eventual articles, even if authors have received early-stage feedback. The review process will be the same as for all other submissions.
Downloads for Authors
Listed below are the key documents authors who wish to submit to this Journal will need to read. These are all in pdf/a format. If anyone requires a different format, please contact us at: IJDSJContact@gmail.com