The IJDSJ aims to publish one Special Issue per year. If you would like to propose a Special Issue, please send a 1 page proposal to and include the terms ‘Special Issue Proposal’ as your subject heading.
If accepted, those proposing a Special Issue will become sub-editors for that issue. They will be required to manage an initial double-anonymous review of articles, determine whether any revisions have been completed successfully and apply editorial refinements (e.g. ensuring that articles align with the journal’s style, checking references and minimising typographical errors). The Special Issue sub-editor(s) will be required to submit the complete issue as a portfolio. Articles for Special Issues will be given a further ‘light-touch’ review by the Editorial Executive or nominated members of the Editorial Board.
Special Issues must be accompanied by Plain English summaries, which will be published on this website as a Special Issue Digest, available in accessible pdf and flipbook formats.
Multi-media content e.g. short films may accompany the Special Issue by prior agreement (i.e. at point of proposal). This supplementary content will appear on the Journal’s website. We require any video material to be accurately subtitled (in English). We regret that the I.J.D.S.J. cannot meet the costs of (a) filming; (b) captioning at this time, so please make sure that you have sufficient budget to cover this.
Special Issue 2 (2024) ‘Disability in East Asia’ OUT NOW! CLICK HERE

Previous Special Issues
Special Issue 1 (2023)
This Special Issue was in collaboration with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL).
It celebrated 50 years since the birth of the Independent Living Movement and 10 ENIL Freedom Drives.
Please CLICK HERE to go to this issue, as published on Science Open.
There is also a Digest version – a short, magazine-style edit of the main journal issue, written in Plain English, for the busy reader.
This was also a multi-media Special Issue. ENIL has made a series of films with Independent Living activists from across Europe. These are available via our YouTube channel.